Been a long time since i visited this site or since i sat down to write something! I haven't had the desire to share with maself or others what's on ma mind, have had pleanty to share with but no no, keep it all to ma self even if my fingures are iching to type on this machine!
Music is always a big part of ma life so it somehow took over ma blogg, didn't need to sit and discuss ma self with mi no, not fun sometimes. If I could publish and nobody reads it well i could write every second but i've to think of what i wanna share with da whole mafucking world.
Anyway wanted to share with you something i read today, an 11 year old boi is gonna be a father and the pregnant wife is 15. The girls parents want to keep the baby and want nothing to do with the father who together with his parents, ran and hide when this was brought to their antention! what type of sick world do we live in, really what is this! what would i have done if i was a parent in this situation and whose parent would i wanna be, boi or girl? The truth is i don't wish anybody that young to be a parent, it's the best and toughest thing to be! One has to prepare a lot for it, buy a house, a car, have a great job, and just be able to provide for everybody all the time! Well, anything is possible in da US!
Have to go for now but whatever you do don't play with sex, not only will be an innocent soul be born but there's really HIV and AIDS, which can be da end of your life if cure is not found during your days! What ever you do, live everyday like it's your last day cause you will never know! yes we live for today but tomorrow is nothing we know about, it is always someone's last day, that someone could be you!