fredag 31 december 2010
maten är klar
it's new year's eve and food is ready hehehehehe! mi love food as u can see, prepared nice food; chicken file first fried then in da oven with carrot and brocoli, together with mushroom sauce and pasta hehe, tagliatelle,love it! ma sambo joel made some strawberry dessert, lots of sugar and honey, mi no eat sugar no more or at least i've to limit sweet things so mi won't go there. right food time, ciao!

In case u r wondering why i love lions it's just that I'm a lion by culture maself !...u c, in ma culture, we have something called tautem and it can be anything like fish, birds, dams, but mostly animals. Mi as a lion i'm expected to behave like one, funny ha! but what do lions do...? they live in a flock which represents that family matters da most, yeah that's right, blood is thicker than water, remember that...!
mr & mrs lion

as da story of lions goes, they go on a honeymoon when it's time to make babies...romantic fellow ha! they leave da rest of da flock and live just da two of them for a week of none stop mating. anyway, mi as a lion i'm supposed to love meat since lions live on nothing else than meat alone, and i love that part of mi culture, i've no problems living on meat alone. love bbq meat, what ever kind just grill it i love it, but even boiled or cooked meat i like but fried meat is actally one of da best. if u wanna make ma day give mi a large bbq stek, no thing can beat that, bbq chicken also a favourite, have many favourites so what yo! yeah well u get it? figure out da rest yourselves aight, lion is strong, king of da jangual, lazy cat..........mi no lazy haha! ya, just one more thing, ma mum iz a zebra and ma dad is da lion that's why i'm a lion!
funny mi
have nothing 2 write but i wanna write anyway, i need not a blogg but a book...well this blogg is about cooking but i haven't started this cooking school so in da mean time i'm gonna waste time writing rubbish, then delete everything when school starts...or maybe i should make this a fun blogg right, then when school starts i make a new one for school...briliant, mi smart, mi love mi, mi'z an idiot, fucking ma fucker asshole, geez, should one right that on a blogg and still the thing won't's fun then, just write what i want without anybody threatening mi and all dat shit...ok, enough with rubbish, time to pull up ma socks...! so then what is fun för mi, fun videos maybe, should look for that on you tube and just put it all here just för laughs, mi love laughing, mi da master in dat department...!
muzik videos
yeah thatz serani tired of playing games, yeah, quit playing and give mi some love....!
torsdag 30 december 2010
ma teacher
see da old man, not just old, da good old buddy had pleanty to teach da youths hehe! just like da wise man say, blessed are those who teach for they learn something along da way...! hehe, when u teach u learn, whatz better way to do it then hahahahahahahahahahaha :o)
right, what did dis ma fucker teach mi, noting at all except whatz in ma state of mind hahahahahahahaha :)
ok, i'll take it easy with da laughing hehe
he was a butcher and da only thing i learn about meat was to flatten it..., very true, u might think i learn nothing but i did learn that da best way to treat meat iz 2 beat da hell out of it hehehehehehehehehehehehe:)
right, what did dis ma fucker teach mi, noting at all except whatz in ma state of mind hahahahahahahaha :)
ok, i'll take it easy with da laughing hehe
he was a butcher and da only thing i learn about meat was to flatten it..., very true, u might think i learn nothing but i did learn that da best way to treat meat iz 2 beat da hell out of it hehehehehehehehehehehehe:)
zup man rasta
ok, va liten bild d blev...oj, jag ska ju skriva på engelska, fucking hell...! ya right , just a little slow start, here we go ...!
this guy in dis blogg is mi many years ago, da pic seems small but i'll try to do something about it by fixing a better camera, maybe that's what needed so we'll c !
well, what more do you want mi 2 say when i'm just testing dis shit ha!
fuck dis shit, mi black man dis shit ain't gonna work! how can i turn from da worst ma fucker to a tiny little swedish blooding brud, visa patana omg
yes, technology, it's fun it's intertaining, it's cool, it rocks , it rules, hey, what more do we want in life than da things dat makes us happi ha?
have 2 go for now,like i said,just, will be seeing u around and reggie bless...take it easy aight...!
this guy in dis blogg is mi many years ago, da pic seems small but i'll try to do something about it by fixing a better camera, maybe that's what needed so we'll c !
well, what more do you want mi 2 say when i'm just testing dis shit ha!
fuck dis shit, mi black man dis shit ain't gonna work! how can i turn from da worst ma fucker to a tiny little swedish blooding brud, visa patana omg
yes, technology, it's fun it's intertaining, it's cool, it rocks , it rules, hey, what more do we want in life than da things dat makes us happi ha?
have 2 go for now,like i said,just, will be seeing u around and reggie bless...take it easy aight...!
what can say than this guy knows how a restaurent is run, with that i'll keep a good eye on him as ma mentor, ma teacher ma master ma hero of da kitchen he rules, da guy tried kicking da ball but just like a lot of us, knee injury and it's allover it's allover...i like da way he says DONE when he's finished preparing a dish. well then, mi gonna bringa all ramsay through mi of course. take care 4now...will keep in touch hehe
ma back ground is based from 3 different cultures, zimbabwean, english and swedish cultures and now i'm gonna be learning how to cook in a multiculture school which includes Finland and Norway and of course Sweden up north, da north pole,neirbours to santa, minus 45 in winter and 1 hour light, it means the rest of the 23 hours it's dark! summer is cool though, 24 hours of sun shine, yes mafuckers, da sun does not go down, what!?! mi like hehe!...anyway, with that background ma imagination is based from a wide range of cultures, just playing hehe...more to come...c ya soon eller va fan hörs då!!!
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