as da story of lions goes, they go on a honeymoon when it's time to make babies...romantic fellow ha! they leave da rest of da flock and live just da two of them for a week of none stop mating. anyway, mi as a lion i'm supposed to love meat since lions live on nothing else than meat alone, and i love that part of mi culture, i've no problems living on meat alone. love bbq meat, what ever kind just grill it i love it, but even boiled or cooked meat i like but fried meat is actally one of da best. if u wanna make ma day give mi a large bbq stek, no thing can beat that, bbq chicken also a favourite, have many favourites so what yo! yeah well u get it? figure out da rest yourselves aight, lion is strong, king of da jangual, lazy cat..........mi no lazy haha! ya, just one more thing, ma mum iz a zebra and ma dad is da lion that's why i'm a lion!
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