torsdag 6 januari 2011


Well i will this time start by expalining the meaning of the topic manners: social habits or ways of behaving, that's how the dictionary explains it but remember we have two types of behaviour. good and bad of course, what else did you think !?! anyway, i wanna talk to maself about manners, hope it will make me realize something and change myself to be a better person.
I come from a country were good manners are mostly practised which means i've a good base but just like everything we do in life, those are the choices we have made. we never concider that everytime we do something that this is the choice i've made right now, good or bad, we live from those choices we make with every situation. so in order for me to behave good i simply have to make better choices in life.
people always wonder why bad things happen to them, they blame it on bad luck! well, listen to this people, the choices we make are the results we get. if you choose to step on other people's toes when you are walking, they are going to get pissed off at you and some will react immediately and some might choose to revernge. so when this person kicks your ass, those are the results of the choices you made. those who revenge are even more dangerous cause they could do big damage to one; let's say they burn your house when you are sleeping, extreme right!? so are we humans, we are individuals we behave differently. trust me, you don't wanna piss off someone from the middle-east, suicide bombers or what ever they are called. they are people who believe in killing themselves in order to save justice! they will enter your house with a bomb tied around them and give you a hug, ka boom, u're dead!
of course when these things happen to you it's because people hate you and those are simply the results of your behaviour, that's because you are rude, bad things will happen to you one way or another. people will not smile at you and greet you with joy when they see you because you step on their toes.
Well, i've learnt a long time ago to leave people alone but funny enough some people don't wanna leave me alone, bacause of their behaviour i might one day get fed up and act accordingly meaning i'll do a little damage to them, and those would be the results of the bad choices they made, not leaving me alone when that's what i wanted.
i of course understand people will be jearlous of others when they succeed in life, even friends will give you what i call a plastic smile, fake of course! i never tell when good things happen to me, i talk about it long after my succees just to avoid road blocks. believe me it happen to me a lot with someone who should have been happy for me but who knew in relationship your partner will wanna be the better partner and when everything is going sky high for you, he/she also wanna be that great person and so they will shut your dreams for you. they have acceess to your every you, don't forget that. remember, it's one thing being married to madonna she's huge, than someone at the same level as you and they just seem to express everyday in life and nothing seems to happen in your life, no, we don't like that. jealousy is bad behaviour that makes us hate people we love or surposed to love. it's sometimes smart to not talk about your planes until you are done, i do that all the time. talk about it to the right people who you know can help you. just like spending time with people who are good at their thing and that thing you know nothing about it, that's the best way to learn something new, spend time with proffs in that field...!
just one more thing when it comes to jealousy, it's a completely different chapter i don't wanna really talk about! of course it's not really the same with being jealousy that your partner is loved by others, the result have been death at the most extreme, instead of just letting him/her go! don't throw your life away because you can't live with the fact that your partner wants someone else. what happened to moving on, life goes on right! yes it really hurts but he or she is not worth u living the rest of your life behind bars or some pshyco that lives with a dead partner in the freezer. shocking news we live with from time to time, bad bad behaviour, bad decision, plain sick basturd.

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