fredag 7 januari 2011

Shakira ft. Freshlyground - Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Offici...

this is it...!

finally it is happening to me right in front of ma face! been living on this island for 14 fucking years, ma swedish roots; but it's time to grow into a tree now! i'm leaving the island for the very first time and live up north, ya! there where there's no sun during winter and believe me the winters are awful long up there! can't really believe i'm gonna be living in the dark, gonna get a shock when it's really happening!
anyway, enough of being a pussy cat, the bright side is that i'm gonna be doing what i always wanted to do, learn how to cook! hope i won't cut ma fingers. every job has it's injuries, i'm nursing my knee from football injury, it really was a long time ago but the shit doesn't wanna get well. i'm really looking forward to playing football again up north, come back after 10 years! the last time i trained and played football was 2001, after my knee operation things have never been the same. it was the end of my playing carieer! coached and reffreed a little during the 10 years!
well, today i booked my journey up north! will be leaving sunday the 16/1 by boat, destination gotlands it's called! will arrive up north the next day. will catch a train in stockholm and travel all night!
would really wanna say some more but i'm learning how to write little so have to stop this now while still i remember my new rule. take care folks! later suckers...!

torsdag 6 januari 2011

17 Ways to Improve Your Sleep | Mark's Daily Apple

17 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Mark's Daily Apple

write less

really have to learn to write less! everytime i just wanna talk to myself the little that's on my mind, suddenly when i start typing something just takes over and opps oh shit! then i start removing and removing and removing, fuck it, have to learn to write less that's all...i get so tired just by looking at the whole long piece of shit! well then, less it is and so this is good bye. take it easy alright! bless

10 minute cooking school Sin city breakfast tacos

Amazing Cooking!


Well i will this time start by expalining the meaning of the topic manners: social habits or ways of behaving, that's how the dictionary explains it but remember we have two types of behaviour. good and bad of course, what else did you think !?! anyway, i wanna talk to maself about manners, hope it will make me realize something and change myself to be a better person.
I come from a country were good manners are mostly practised which means i've a good base but just like everything we do in life, those are the choices we have made. we never concider that everytime we do something that this is the choice i've made right now, good or bad, we live from those choices we make with every situation. so in order for me to behave good i simply have to make better choices in life.
people always wonder why bad things happen to them, they blame it on bad luck! well, listen to this people, the choices we make are the results we get. if you choose to step on other people's toes when you are walking, they are going to get pissed off at you and some will react immediately and some might choose to revernge. so when this person kicks your ass, those are the results of the choices you made. those who revenge are even more dangerous cause they could do big damage to one; let's say they burn your house when you are sleeping, extreme right!? so are we humans, we are individuals we behave differently. trust me, you don't wanna piss off someone from the middle-east, suicide bombers or what ever they are called. they are people who believe in killing themselves in order to save justice! they will enter your house with a bomb tied around them and give you a hug, ka boom, u're dead!
of course when these things happen to you it's because people hate you and those are simply the results of your behaviour, that's because you are rude, bad things will happen to you one way or another. people will not smile at you and greet you with joy when they see you because you step on their toes.
Well, i've learnt a long time ago to leave people alone but funny enough some people don't wanna leave me alone, bacause of their behaviour i might one day get fed up and act accordingly meaning i'll do a little damage to them, and those would be the results of the bad choices they made, not leaving me alone when that's what i wanted.
i of course understand people will be jearlous of others when they succeed in life, even friends will give you what i call a plastic smile, fake of course! i never tell when good things happen to me, i talk about it long after my succees just to avoid road blocks. believe me it happen to me a lot with someone who should have been happy for me but who knew in relationship your partner will wanna be the better partner and when everything is going sky high for you, he/she also wanna be that great person and so they will shut your dreams for you. they have acceess to your every you, don't forget that. remember, it's one thing being married to madonna she's huge, than someone at the same level as you and they just seem to express everyday in life and nothing seems to happen in your life, no, we don't like that. jealousy is bad behaviour that makes us hate people we love or surposed to love. it's sometimes smart to not talk about your planes until you are done, i do that all the time. talk about it to the right people who you know can help you. just like spending time with people who are good at their thing and that thing you know nothing about it, that's the best way to learn something new, spend time with proffs in that field...!
just one more thing when it comes to jealousy, it's a completely different chapter i don't wanna really talk about! of course it's not really the same with being jealousy that your partner is loved by others, the result have been death at the most extreme, instead of just letting him/her go! don't throw your life away because you can't live with the fact that your partner wants someone else. what happened to moving on, life goes on right! yes it really hurts but he or she is not worth u living the rest of your life behind bars or some pshyco that lives with a dead partner in the freezer. shocking news we live with from time to time, bad bad behaviour, bad decision, plain sick basturd.

onsdag 5 januari 2011


seeing is believing! how true is that? believe half of what you see and none of what u hear! that's a true saying but don't forget that truth is based on the beholder meaning we all have our own truth, my truth is someone else's false information or statement. i can explain a little about the saying, or very simple, people say what they want deppending on situations and we all lie everyday, so when then do we know that this is not a lie...simple, believe none of what you here. what about when you see something, isn't it what it is. of course not always, that's why we should believe half of what we see. don't need to talk about magicians, everything they do is not exactly what we see, if you believe in a magician then u're da worst fool ever.
anyway, here's an example that makes us see half of what we see; when u see a gentleman smoking, immedeatly u'll think it's a cigarette; and if u see a rastaman smoking u'll  assume it's a joint right. well i'm a rastaman i'm talking from experiance, people believe i smoke marijuana simply because i've rastas but i also suffer from pollen so i have red eyes most of the time, what do people think, blackman, rastaman, red-eyes, he smokes da shit. well i don't, i suffer from astma aswell and that makes me not wanna go near any kind of smoke otherwise i'm a dead black rastaman. in zurich i saw many businessmen sitting by the lake eating and smoking, automatically they were cigarettes they were smoking but it turned out that the closer one gets the better you understood, they all smoked joints, swedes would never understand to me it's that we believe what we want to believe.
when i was about 12 yrs old i visited my aunt and she's a cop, yes da police! anyway one morning we followed her to her work place, da police station. just as we entered the main gate there was someone laying down on the ground wearing a brown suit covered in blood, on his chest lay his identification card. my aunt said immediately to us that we shouldn't pay attention to him at all, he was just sleeping she said. I believed her 100% and i didn't worry a thing and that helped me from getting nightmares like i always do in those situations. guess what, recently i thought about it and realised that he wasn't sleeping, he was dead. back then i was 12 i didn't know much about dead people but now when i do, i can put 1 + 1 together and come up with a 2.
the dictionary explains it like this: belief-" the feeling that something is true or that something really exists"!
ok, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear, it's a saying and i use it in life. the moment something doesn't make sense we don't believe but if it makes sense we believe! well some people are good at telling stories and some are not, don't be fooled! take care folks!

tisdag 4 januari 2011


well been a good boy lately, managed to stay away from facebook the whole of yesterday and today just a short while just to check on ma friends. went well i guess, managed to reply and disappear direct after without having to get maself involved into a lot of rubbish. so, what now? really have no idea, i'm hoping to cut ma facebook visit to 10min a day or 30min per week, which will be da whole 30min at once not devided hours in different days, like 4 hrs a day it would be.
ok, this is ma new hobby, i like it, i'm starting to love it so sooon i might marry it. ma darling blogg, pity i wrote a lot of rubbish when i was testing u, the language is nothing for a blogg or anything than just plain street slang shit, not even tough at all, just uter plain rubbish. anyway yesterday i missed ma darling blogg so much but i've descipline that's all. i had to do first things first, no computer no nothing until i'm done with important things and so by the end of the day i was so tired that all i wanted to do was to sleep. didn't get much sleep though, have problems falling asleep so i actually fell asleep around 7:30 in the morning. one might wonder what i was doing all night then, nothing much than listen to spotify until muzik was to blame why i couldn't sleep so i swithed it off and hoped to fall asleep but nothing. watched tv and did some thinking and by morning i was then tired enough to fall asleep for only 2 hrs, yes that little. maybe i should get checked cause it's starting to be a pattern, something that repeats itself all the time now. before that i fell asleep 6 and was up sometime around 10. 4 hrs is max time i sleep, good or bad? bad cause we do need 8 hrs sleep as far as ma schooling told me so i better do something to sleep the other 4 hours.
ma last 2 days were filled with training, that's good, need to play football when i move from here and that's in about a week. i'm far behind with ma training, as new in a team if i should make it i've to be 3 times well trained than them and i actually haven't played football in 10 years and my knee is still not ok but guess what? i can't wait no more, no time and no desire to wait so i'm just gonna give it ma best and hope it's enough. for now, have to think how this is gonna go, need every fantasy there is to pick ma self up. take care for now...!
the dictionary explains it like this: discipline- "training to produce obedience and self-control" get it? simply control yourselves...bless ya!

söndag 2 januari 2011

Dr. Oz Welcomes You

Burn Holiday Calories with a Total Body Workout plus Healthy New Year's ...

listen 2 da lyrics

u been acting awful tough lately
smoking a lot of cigarettes lately
but inside, u're just a little baby
oh! it's ok to say u've got a weak spot
u don't always have 2b on top
better to be hated
than loved loved loved for what u r not...

discipline, manners & belief

what does discipline mean? what is manners? what about belief, wadafuck iz dat? well, wanna talk a little about belief later but as for now i better have some discipline and do what i have to do, train! later suckers...!
ok, i'm back but i don't feel like writing at all so i'll just have to catch u guys later! sorry about my tiredness, wasn't expecting to be tired after my training which ain't over. yes, still have pleanty to do and discipline will lead the way, meaning i have to stop this and get started. as the saying goes " if u want to get to the bottom of anything u better start digging" so which means i just have to get up and go there where i'm supposed to be and give it my best. dame i'm tired but i've to do this, train train train is da only answer to success in sport u see, i anyway ran about 14km in one hour, not bad but it was first time since tuesday, i took early new year celebrations and it went on to thursday, when friday came i slept almost all day, mafriends had to wake me up and after finally eating something i felt better but still decided to go back to bed, and all three of us who partied from tuesday to thursday all stayed home...bad discipline there, friday was da big day but we didn't do our mathes right, bad calculations.
sunday today i decided to try and do what i've to do, yesterday i warmed up with a machine for two hours, was okay, don't like shortcuts but "half a loaf is better than nothing", remember that. people always think it's so cold out there but the truth is that i'm jogging, i only freeze my fingures and tores, the rest of the body swastes like hell. anyway i have to go, have to remember that and stop typing.......! i'm not so happy with how things are going, today i should be happy with my progress but i feel like i haven't started, dame, it's going so slow. couldn't sleep last night so i went to bed 06 this morning and i was up around 12, or actually i left  bed at 12 but was up like 10:30 and started watching tv half asleep.
well then, alright then, ok then, take it easy for now aight! later still mates...!
p/s u c, i've manners now, already a good boi mi...! no more rubiiish language!

lördag 1 januari 2011

sleep is da only answer

good bye facebook

i can't believe how much time i wasted on dat shit facebook, fucking hell, lord have mercy upon mi father! if u knew mi well u would know that i don't pray but now i am and u better answer ma prayers annas då jävlas vettu !!! blir förbannad på dig din gud o jag som afrikan kan du få styrk vettu, vi är så fysiks stark o beroende på det, det gå inte att fatta. du vet bättra väl gud all mighty but just do mi a favour and keep mi away from da mafucking stupid facefuckingbook! mi found something better to do, something i love da most, reading and writing and this mafucker i'm pounding on will help mi with that; mi gonna play with da keyboard like crazy... i can't write books or stories of ma fantasy on dis shit, that's what i like da most but then well, i do that some where else so no worries about that. this is anyway a cooking school for any sucker who decides to follow dis shit when it's due but mean time, only data nörds as we call them here in sweden can reach ma shit...! piz off suckers

get rich or die trying

only for mi

denna blogg ska läsas bara av personen som ha skrivit den o d ä jag...så hä ä grejan, den ska va skolblogg för min matlagnings kurs som börja senare denna månad men jag ska leka lite med den o skriva lite skit o redera allt när skolan börja, då bli det bara mat bira kvinnor weeeeeeeeeed...hehe, just kidding, bara mat bli det men ni kan bläddra ner o kola på låten som heter så. Jag leka med mig själv bara så att om nån dåra ha kommit på min skit ska fatta, don't comment cause u r not aloud to read this, mi just playing with maself aight! go fuck your self din data nörd, jag fick dig redan haha...jag vet, internet är inte helt säker som man kanske önska sig men skit samma, skiten ä kul, bästa upptäkt nångonsin för min del iaf good-bye suckers, remember, don't fuck with mi, ge fan i you too...! hehe piz

it's a new year!

yes, da first day of da new year is today, wonder how many have already broken their new year resolutions...!?! well, we all don't wanna be lied to and cheated to but how funny is it then that we lie and cheat to ourselves! is it ok for us to be dishounest with ourselves but when someone esle does, they r da scum of da earth, get da fuck out of ma life, that's the feeling we get. why then do we spend more time with oneself since we have to do away with those type of people, yaa, cause we never see what's in our own eyes, we always try to show others what's wrong with them even when we ourselves know that we are the same. what makes it right that we do that to ourselves, are we really too blind to see what we are doing or is it the fact that we just don't care about what we do cause if we cared, we definately would do something about it...!
well, i have broken ma number one promise i made to maself end of last year, i stopped drinking tea with emmidiate effect, the fact was that i was taking too much sugar so i had to go get tested for sugar diabetes first b4 i start drinking tea again. well i did manage to never drink tea again da rest of 2010 but sugar i did not manage to resist, what shall i do then cause i'm not gonna drink tea without sugar!?! i have anyway managed to limit da amount of sugar to half which i'm happy for. anyway, will still have to get checked and direct after i think i'll know what to do then...! goood luck with being true to yourselves alright! bless ya